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Baker Productions

Company Data
311 2nd Ave SW, Cullman, Alabama, 35055, United States
Company size
Company revenue
$1 - 9 M
SIC Code
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Technographic Data

IT Development/Infrastructure


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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Baker Productions:

1.Where is Baker Productions’s headquarters?

Baker Productions’s headquarters is in 311 2nd Ave SW Cullman Alabama 35055, United States

2.What is Baker Productions’s phone number?

Baker Productions’s phone number is (256)-739-0388

3.What is Baker Productions’s official website?

Baker Productions’s official website is

4.What is Baker Productions’s revenue?

Baker Productions’s revenue is $1 - 9 M

5.What is Baker Productions’s SIC code?

Baker Productions’s SIC code is 7929

6.What is Baker Productions’s NAICS code?

Baker Productions’s NAICS code is 512240

7.What is Baker Productions’s industry?

Baker Productions is in the industry: Marketing and Advertising

8.How many employees are working in Baker Productions?

Baker Productions has 11-50 employees

9.What is Baker Productions’s tech stack?

Baker Productions uses these technologies: ASP.NET

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