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Nanosystems Mc

Company Data
+40 314261126
8 Bl., Apt. 3, Magurele, Ilfov, 077125, Romania
Company size
Company revenue
$1 - 9 M
SIC Code
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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Nanosystems Mc:

1.Where is Nanosystems Mc’s headquarters?

Nanosystems Mc’s headquarters is in 8 Bl. Magurele Ilfov 077125, Romania

2.What is Nanosystems Mc’s phone number?

Nanosystems Mc’s phone number is 314261126

3.What is Nanosystems Mc’s official website?

Nanosystems Mc’s official website is

4.What is Nanosystems Mc’s revenue?

Nanosystems Mc’s revenue is $1 - 9 M

5.What is Nanosystems Mc’s SIC code?

Nanosystems Mc’s SIC code is 8734

6.What is Nanosystems Mc’s NAICS code?

Nanosystems Mc’s NAICS code is 541713

7.What is Nanosystems Mc’s industry?

Nanosystems Mc is in the industry: Research

8.How many employees are working in Nanosystems Mc?

Nanosystems Mc has 1-10 employees

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