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The Lilly Family

Company Data
420 N Main St, Mount Holly, North Carolina, 28120, United States
Company size
Company revenue
$1 - 9 M
SIC Code
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Frequently Asked Questions regarding The Lilly Family:

1.Where is The Lilly Family’s headquarters?

The Lilly Family’s headquarters is in 420 N Main St Mount Holly North Carolina 28120, United States

2.What is The Lilly Family’s phone number?

The Lilly Family’s phone number is (704)-819-3755

3.What is The Lilly Family’s official website?

The Lilly Family’s official website is

4.What is The Lilly Family’s revenue?

The Lilly Family’s revenue is $1 - 9 M

5.What is The Lilly Family’s SIC code?

The Lilly Family’s SIC code is 3081

6.What is The Lilly Family’s NAICS code?

The Lilly Family’s NAICS code is 624190

7.What is The Lilly Family’s industry?

The Lilly Family is in the industry: Non-profit Organizations

8.How many employees are working in The Lilly Family?

The Lilly Family has 11-50 employees

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